
Tuesday, November 13, 2007

My Weight-Loss Goal

Got so upset this morning when I step onto my weighing machine. Oh no, cannot believe my eyes 2 find my weight increase 2kg over the weekend! Oh shit... what went wrong? The bowl of B&J icecream I consumed on Sat? Or the buffet dinner I ate last Fri? Oh gosh.. or maybe must be something wrong with my weighing machine ba..

Hmm.. why am I wasting time looking for the culprits instead of ought to think of what I should do next? Yeah man, better take action before I continue to procrastinate and then sure will cry when turn out being a Fatty BomBom with no notice! OK Ok, I shall commit myself to lose 3kg in 10 days!

Hmm.. easily said than done wor, as always the case! Ok, first I deem I must motivate myself. K, what will be it that will motivate me the most? I deem it's imperative that I list down the benefits & reasons for my goal:

1) For a nicer shape... YES YES I definitely don't want to be in that restriction to stick to just a few baggy clothing all the time man. I DEFINITELY wanna look pretty and wear sexy clothes with all my usual confidence.

2) Look forever young and more attractive & eye-turner like I always am:)

3) To prove to myself that I can do it.

4) To show Tracy (my best friend) that I didn't lie to her. I always tell her to watch out diet and claim it's easy to maintain weight & shape by exercising. Gosh if I turn fat, she confirms 1st person to laugh at me ba!

5) For better health

Ok now my strategy & plan of action:
a) Run at least 3km at least 3 times a week. Ideally, if my schedule permits, I'll make it a point to do it every alternate days.

b) Do 60 sit-ups every morning (or at the gym).

c) Do 30 leg-curl, 45 butterfly chest-press, 60 crunches and 60 left&right freeweights during every gym session.

d) Skip dinners completely every night [only allow to take 2 eggs (no yolk) & a glass of whey protein milk).

e) No gassy drinks, no fattening foods, no tibits, no buffet meals!!

f) Must drink at least 8 glasses of plain water every day.

g) Must use my Osim & Aibi toning machines every nights.

Ok, last but not least, I shall announce the date of my accomplishment to be on 24 November 2007... Oops, now that I'm posting this out, guess I've no more other excuse to procrastinate again. To anybody bother to read this page & be my witness, if I tend to get lazy, you are authorised to scold & boo at me ya... Hmm.. but I bet u have that chance :D


Anonymous said...

Oh Jojo,
do you really have such a perserverance to do all these?

It would be poor on your body if you pushes yourself too hard.

I feel that one should live happily and enjoy doing and eating things that you like. But not overboard of course. Skipping dinner is no good. You can always have a light dinner. If you stuff, you might end up eating more of what you have craved for.

You actually look slim in your beautiful picture. I think you look good. Rather, people who are too slim actually don't look appealling.


Jojo said...

Thanks Janice for your compliments. I deem you are one of those lucky few who can enjoy eating your favorite food and yet not worrying of getting fat. For me, if I procrastinate my gym regime, I tend to get fat easily:(

Nevertheless, as a gal yourself I bet sometime you know it, it's just an instinct of us to like to compare ourselves with another sexy gorgeous looking bod and wish we can be wearing the same bikini and look as gorgeous or more head turners than them. Well perhaps it's myself (haha:D) I know ought to learn to be contented and not so greedy;)

By the way, thanks for the advice. Yes I think I heard about the opposite effect of ending up eating more when we starve ourselves, k will be wary of it;)